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Our Address

20 Rue Ampere, 77100 Meaux, France

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Company Information.

Legal Information Soumshop

SIREN:951 863 547
SIRET (head office):951 863 547 00018
Legal status :EURL, single-person limited liability company
VAT number:
RCS registration:(from the MEAUX registry, 10/16/2024)
Registration with the RNE:REGISTERED
RCS number:951 863 547 RCS Meaux
Share capital:1,000.00 €

Activity Soumshop

Main activity declared:MANAGEMENT CONSULTING
NAF or APE code:70.22Z(Business and other management consultancy)
Field of activity:Head office activities; management consultancy
Exercise form:Commercial
Collective agreementsupposed:Technical design offices and consulting firms – IDCC 1486
Accounting year end date:12/31/2025